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Log #9 13-04-2012
Beginning with a wishes to all my readers in Tamil Nadu a "Happy Tamil New Year", This is log #9 featuring some of the worst things happened during my travel to my hometown last night. You may keep a name for this log post as "A series of unfortunate events". Its Friday 13th and I don't really believe in luck or fate.
I was home alone for last three days. After getting back fromCollege Hell yesterday evening, I logged in my laptop and did the usual stuff. My mom called and asked me to pack up my things to go to my hometown. I was unable to get out from my computer and thanks to TamilNadu Electricity Board, the power cut made me to pack my stuff. I carried my laptop also with me and my entertainment things for the 5hr long journey was my X6.
I later went to the Bus Terminal at 8PM and the place was like the whole population of the city was concentrated in the terminal itself. It was also traffucked (My new invention: Traffic+Fucked) Waiting.. Waiting and Waiting.. I was tired. Grabbed a 7up and completed it all way. Atlast spotted the bus to my hometown. It was worse than the bus terminal. I was made to stand for the whole journey. All those were standing just slept on the floor and foot board itself. It was kinda *Argh* to me. Its 12.30 AM. And all of sudden, We heard a burst and it was the rear wheel Tyre.
The fucking people were still sleeping. I got down with four and five others and took a view at them. After that, the bus driver stopped the buses passing by and transferred some of the passengers who are going nearby. But I was 100kms away. The driver had the guts to drive that bus very slowly and we reached the Bus Terminal at Pondicherry and it took an hour to replace them. After that, Only 20 were in the bus and I still got no traces of sleep.
And finally I reached my hometown at 4 AM and there was none except me on the road. I had an half a kilometer walk and reached my home. Went in and I just got myself down and zzZ.Z...zzz.. When I woke up, it was 10.30 in the morning. I explained what all happened to all in my home and everyone's face was *_* *_*
I was lazy all day and did nothing. Just watched movie in my laptop and then music in my X6. Finally I said to myself "You have did nothing today and haven't also posted for past 6 days. Go on and tell about journey experience"
So What do you guys say? Its really a series of unfortunate events. Isn't it?
I was home alone for last three days. After getting back from
I later went to the Bus Terminal at 8PM and the place was like the whole population of the city was concentrated in the terminal itself. It was also traffucked (My new invention: Traffic+Fucked) Waiting.. Waiting and Waiting.. I was tired. Grabbed a 7up and completed it all way. Atlast spotted the bus to my hometown. It was worse than the bus terminal. I was made to stand for the whole journey. All those were standing just slept on the floor and foot board itself. It was kinda *Argh* to me. Its 12.30 AM. And all of sudden, We heard a burst and it was the rear wheel Tyre.
The fucking people were still sleeping. I got down with four and five others and took a view at them. After that, the bus driver stopped the buses passing by and transferred some of the passengers who are going nearby. But I was 100kms away. The driver had the guts to drive that bus very slowly and we reached the Bus Terminal at Pondicherry and it took an hour to replace them. After that, Only 20 were in the bus and I still got no traces of sleep.
And finally I reached my hometown at 4 AM and there was none except me on the road. I had an half a kilometer walk and reached my home. Went in and I just got myself down and zzZ.Z...zzz.. When I woke up, it was 10.30 in the morning. I explained what all happened to all in my home and everyone's face was *_* *_*
I was lazy all day and did nothing. Just watched movie in my laptop and then music in my X6. Finally I said to myself "You have did nothing today and haven't also posted for past 6 days. Go on and tell about journey experience"
So What do you guys say? Its really a series of unfortunate events. Isn't it?
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