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Nokia Sustainability Challenge
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Nokia Sustainability Challenge Day #3
I have taken up the Nokia Sustainability Challenge to do my part to make our Environment more sustainable. On the first day, I have planted some small plants with my 2 year old niece and also started a new group called "Go Green" and also a new blog called "Lets Go Green" to create awareness on sustainability of our Environment. On the second day, I created awareness among the people residing in nearby rural areas with "Go Green" shirt and also explained them the current condition of our Environment and measures that can be implemented to preserve them. This day is something special as I have almost spent the whole day to create a digital masterpiece video to create awareness online.
Click on the image to view in full resolution :-)
Day #3 Going Digital
A couple of months ago, I began working on a short documentary film called "2050" back in 2011 to show how our world will be in future if the current problem like Global Warming continues. Unfortunately, I have stopped the project as there were not enough resources. But I am still having the project files that I have created for 2050. I can create awareness among 100-200 in a day on the critical conditions of our fragile Environment. At the same time, a short documentary video created to show the sustainability of our Environment can be uploaded to YouTube and Vimeo and can hit around 1 million views in a few days thus creating more impact on people and also each share will have a much greater impact. Although the rendering time will be long if I use my laptop, I preferred it as it will consume comparatively lesser energy.
Below is a screenshot while taken during the making of "2050" back in 2011:
Lets skip "2050". Today, I opened the project file of "2050" and started to work on a new project called "Nokia Sustainability week" which shows the past, present conditions of our Environment and also visualize how our Earth would be in future if the present trend continues. The image that you can find at the beginning of the post is a snapshot of this new project. Time just flied as I sat in front of my laptop and got myself involved in this. After almost 5-6 hours of dedication, I completed making it but I haven't rendered it. The rendering will sure take at least 12-15 hours to complete. So I have to render this video tomorrow and then covert it to occupy less space and upload it later.
Though I'm just 18 years old, I have always wished to have my very own business card and I fulfilled this dream today and also did something good for the Environment. After designing the card content, while placing the order I found an option in moo.com(the manufacturer of the cards) through which I can get my cards manufactured fully from 100% recycled things while the Classic cards are made from wood pulp. Hence I opted for "Green Cards" option while placing the order. This shows that one can make something good for the Environment through any means though it is a small business card.
Click on the image below to view in full resolution:
In my previous post, I have mentioned that the Rain Water Storage implemented in our apartment hasn't been properly maintained. My friend and I tried to fix it but it was too difficult. So We called the Professionals to do this task. Meanwhile I also mentioned that I will be going on a 5 hour long journey to a sub-urban region in my state. While reserving through the online Government site, a pop up just came up showing the below message:
This is a fantastic one. They have also mentioned that We can save upto 3 lakh papers a day if every passengers carries a digital copy instead of print out. Hence I transferred the e-ticket to my mobile rather than printing it. If everyone does this, We can save thousands of trees per day. New adventures waiting for me the next day :-)
Stay tuned to check out tomorrow. Go Green. Save Trees.
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