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Log #3 06-04-2012
This is Raghav writing his log #3 in his personal blog. Its Friday and moreover itssssss Good Friday :) No College today. Everyone loves going to college. Not in case of my college. When it comes to Friday, what struck my mind was,
No offense Rebecca Black. I know how you feel. You should probably try "Its Monday!!! Monday!!" next time. I didn't have a sound sleep yesterday night. The first thing I did in this morning is opening my laptop and checking in all my social networks.
What I planned to do today was to complete my physics record which I didn't begin to write even the first experiment whereas half of my class already got their records corrected. However I didn't begin till now though. I dunno why I am always trying to procrastinate every things. I completely spent the day in my laptop and music. I registered .com domain for my Information Blog and almost went to hell and returned back while transferring the domain and still it shows some kind of error. I even searched for the error code in Google and it found no matching pages. OMG... A new error only for me :(
There was this powercut at 2 PM which was actually scheduled at 3PM by EB. Damn. I got no work, no power, no PC. My X6 gave company. Monster Purity Headphones on and played "3" songs. ZZzzzz..... I am on sleep.
Meanwhile, my mom came after half an hour and asked me "Why haven't you turned on the fan?" I shouted "No power". My mom came in and switched on the fan and informed that it came before 20mins and my face was :| :| *_* 0_o
Back Online. Still the domain transfer didn't get completed. After a while, I had some noodles and sat back on Twitter. Then while writing this post, I asked my friend over Facebook if we got any works for tomorrow. Then came the tragedy message. "Tomorrow is Technical English Unit Test" OMG.. I forgot that. Anyway I ain't gonna prepare for that.
Thus the day went so fast and its 9 PM. Thats the end of this log and Good Friday night Rebecca Black :D Please don't come as a nightmare today.
What I planned to do today was to complete my physics record which I didn't begin to write even the first experiment whereas half of my class already got their records corrected. However I didn't begin till now though. I dunno why I am always trying to procrastinate every things. I completely spent the day in my laptop and music. I registered .com domain for my Information Blog and almost went to hell and returned back while transferring the domain and still it shows some kind of error. I even searched for the error code in Google and it found no matching pages. OMG... A new error only for me :(
There was this powercut at 2 PM which was actually scheduled at 3PM by EB. Damn. I got no work, no power, no PC. My X6 gave company. Monster Purity Headphones on and played "3" songs. ZZzzzz..... I am on sleep.
Meanwhile, my mom came after half an hour and asked me "Why haven't you turned on the fan?" I shouted "No power". My mom came in and switched on the fan and informed that it came before 20mins and my face was :| :| *_* 0_o
Back Online. Still the domain transfer didn't get completed. After a while, I had some noodles and sat back on Twitter. Then while writing this post, I asked my friend over Facebook if we got any works for tomorrow. Then came the tragedy message. "Tomorrow is Technical English Unit Test" OMG.. I forgot that. Anyway I ain't gonna prepare for that.
Thus the day went so fast and its 9 PM. Thats the end of this log and Good Friday night Rebecca Black :D Please don't come as a nightmare today.
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